We provide quality care that treats everyone.

Assistance in Everyday Activities

Our experienced, skilled and dedicated support worker will assist or supervise participant with the everyday activities in order for a participant can live as independently as possible.

These services can deliver to participants even in their own homes. Following are the services that CaringVictoria provide:

  • General housekeeping.
  • Meal Preparation.
  • Domestic services.
  • Community activities.
  • Personal care.

Supported Independent Living

This relates to daily tasks in a shared living environment, whether temporary or permanent, with a focus on developing each participant’s skills to live as independently as possible.

Qualified and friendly support workers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Short Term Accommodation

Assistance with daily tasks in a group or shared living arrangement assisting with or supervising tasks of daily living with a focus of developing the skills of everyone to live as autonomously as possible. Short term accommodation provides a great opportunity for caregivers to take some time off while we take care of their loved ones.

Assistance with Social and Community Participation

Our social and community participation programs ensure that living with a disability does not mean missing out on enjoying community and social events. These supports allow a participant to participate in community, social and recreational activities. At CaringVictoria we offer a variety of recreational activities and programs for our participants that promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Transport Support

Our qualified support workers can help you with your travels either by using company vehicle or by their own cars or public transport. Transport enables to access the support outside their home.

More to explore.